29 de octubre de 2011

My Strange Stories XI

May 13th, 2011

The cat was standing behind the stained glass of the church because in that time cats were considered as diabolic creatures, so they couldn’t enter or walk by many places, including churches. It was St. Michaels Church and the cat was waiting for its owner, Loise, who was set in the furnished room of Lady Margaritte, who was the principal of the respected Institute for Ladies Loise was studying on.

Loise had broken a window that was the reason she was there. She was looking by the window, gazing the horizon, searching for peace in a place, beyond the mountains. She was a lonely girl. Her unique friend was Mr. Moustache, the cat. So, when she saw Mr. Moustache will be seen –and probably killed –she didn’t care about herself and threw to the window to cover it, but she was not a lucky girl, then, she hid the cat but broke the window, and was taken to Lady Margaritte’s Office… such a great day she had!

Lady Margaritte was a beautiful woman; she was the Duchess and had refined taste. In spite of this, her office was not as comfortable as it should be. It was glare and the chairs were located in a way that made people understand they must talk straightly and quickly. Well, that was what Loise thought because she believed all the School, besides the church, was ghastly in extreme, but the reality was that the office was totally comfortable and luxury; and the school was not as bad as she thought. By the contrary, it was one of the most recognized institutions for ladies in the country, it’s just that Loise felt alone because her parents never came back and it made her stood apart of people… The unique situation she used to share with her partners was the huge fear when the clock made his continue clang.

After she received her punishment for the broken window, she went to the church to meet Mr. Mustache. After that, she went upstairs to her room and continued gazing the horizon.

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